Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Life in the garage!

Well, we made it a month! We moved out of our Pine Street house on November 13th and we have lived in the camper/garage ever since. I can honestly say it hasn't been as bad as I expected. We are definitely saving a lot of money and we have things set up pretty comfortable. We use the camper for sleeping, the bathroom/shower, and for cooking. Upstairs in the garage we have a room that has our office, couches, TV (yes, we have satellite!), and our dining room table. So, between the camper and the 2nd story, we have quite a bit of room. Another plus is that the kids can play basketball and ride bikes in the garage! I think we will all appreciate the space we will have when the house is done, but for now we are all doing fine!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Growing Kids!

I took the kids for well-child checks on April 14th. Trista is 44" tall and weighs 41 pounds...that puts her on the 95th percentile for height and the 50th for weight! We knew she was a good eater, but now we know why she is always hungry! Also explains why she is constantly needing new pants! She had to get 3 shots and wasn't very happy about that, but by the end of the day they didn't hurt anymore. Tanner is 38" tall and weighs 31 pounds...he is on the 35th percentile for both height and weight. Last year at his check in June he was only on the 10th percentile for weight and hadn't gained a pound in a year, so we were very happy to see that he had gained 9 pounds in a year and has been so much healthier! The Dr. is concerned about Tanner's hearing and speech, so we will likely be starting speech therapy very soon. She agrees with us that he is making progress and that it will just take some time to get him caught up, so it wasn't too concerning. We are happy to have such happy and healthy kids!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trista the Cowgirl

Trista loves to "theme dress." Usually she is a basketball player or in summer clothes, but lately she has been a cowgirl! Her best friend Burke loves his daddy's cows and has also been dressing as a cowboy lately so I have a feeling that is where this theme came from. She picked out the outfit all by herself...very nice! She is growing like a weed! She loves basketball and dolls and tends to be more of a tomboy, but gets "girlie" on us once in awhile!

Tanner's 3!

Our wild boy turned 3 on March 31st! It's hard to believe he is already so big, but we can't deny it! He has had a really good last year and has really made up for time lost due to being so sick his first 2 years! He is potty-trained and starting to talk a little more! He said his first full sentence the other night when he was in trouble for messing with Trista's babies...he stood up on the fireplace, pointed his finger at mommy and said "My daddy is gonna whoop your butt!" Even though the content wasn't great, he said a sentence!! We're convinced he really can talk a lot more than he likes to...there is another man in the house that acts very similar (haha)! In the picture above, he got into mommy's hair stuff and gave himself a "do." Pretty ornery kid!

Curt's a Firefighter!

After 6 months of probabation and training, Curt was voted on as an official firefighter on April 6th! Then, it was time for initiation! Luckily, we had a heads up that Curt was going to be going through town on a fire truck, we just didn't know he wasn't going too have many clothes on! He only had on underwear, sheepskin chaps, boots, and a helmet on! Not only did they drive him all around town, but he also had to go into Alibi's (sports bar) and the bowling alley. It was $1 night at the bowling alley and apparantly it was pretty packed! Trista had a hard time understanding why daddy would do such a thing, especially knowing how reserved he normally is. But, he survived the night and is very proud to be a firefighter and help the community!