Tuesday, November 30, 2010


we have so much to be thankful for...




good health.


the list could go on and on...

we truly had a great Thanksgiving week/weekend. 

lots of good food, pictures, bowling, movies, games, and relaxation!

we also got our Christmas decorations up, so we are ready!!

Diesel is always up for a nap when Curt is napping...

Snug as a bug...

Tanner and the singing/dancing turkey. We are thankful Thanksgiving is over so this dear turkey
 can be packed away until next year! :)


Slaving away...

Marathon Candyland!
 I did really good about getting pictures the day of Thanksgiving and then seemed to miss all that went on after that. Just envision another awesome meal at Curt's parents house, bowling, family pictures, etc.
Use your imagination!
Decorations started...

Shrek the Musical...

We took the kids to their first play at the Buell Theatre in Denver...it was a hit!

It was really funny and kept the kids entertained. Trista fidgeted some and did pull out a tooth during the second half, but that was probably because Daddy told her the "Denver Tooth-Fairy" pays more...

We enjoyed the weekend away and are already planning on The Lion King for next November...can't wait!!

ready for the play to start...

shrek background

Daddy and Trista at Landry's Seafood House after the play...very delicious!

The girls!

And the ornery boy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

house pictures coming soon!

I almost have pictures of all of the rooms of our finished (on the inside) house! I will post them soon, once I get them uploaded!! 6 months after moving in isn't too bad?!?!

pretty little girl...

I won't go into all the drama leading up this beautiful transformation of Trista, but it was an interesting morning trying to get her dressed! We went to Darren Montoya and Ashley Gonzales' wedding, it was a very nice wedding and we were glad we were able to make it. Tanner bailed on us to play with friends, which was fine. Trista ended up looking very pretty and was very proud...she even wore the dress to the MVFD chili supper that night and helped her dad serve.

a sight i could get used to...

Curt in an apron!! Last weekend was the Annual Chili Supper hosted by the Monte Vista Fire Department. It is a lot of work, from moving out trucks to setting up all the tables and chairs, and of course, cooking all the food! I don't think Curt really does a lot of the cooking, but he does serve (and help all day getting ready). He wears it well and we are proud of his committment to the community of Monte Vista. They served over 560 people that night!! We don't expect much cooking out of Curt until next November but remain positive that at some point he will know how to make chili!

Friday, November 12, 2010

which is better?

Target or Wal Mart?

Just curious...Curt and I have an ongoing debate about this and we each have our favorite.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The joys of having a 6 year old daughter...

Trista and I seem to either get along great or not at all. Lucky for me, we've gotten along great since around September. She seems to have a few weeks every now and then where we butt heads and don't see eye to eye on anything. I'm just thankful that we do get along so well the majority of the time. That being said, it comes with compromise. Having a 6 year old daughter (strong willed, nonetheless) is challening and here are a few things I have laughed about recently. 

So, you know you have a 6 year old daughter when:
  1. You rarely agree on what she wears. She prefers the same jeans and the same (1 of 3) t-shirts everyday. Remind me why I buy cute clothes!
  2. You know all the words to Justin Bieber's songs. Yes, it is better to listen to than "Old MacDonald" in the car, so we've been jamming to Bieber and I know all the words now...lovely! I'm sure we'll be at the movie in March too!
  3. You spend hours learning the "Hoedown Throwdown" dance from Hannah Montana with her and just count it as exercise since there is really no other positive way to look at it.
  4. Speaking of Hannah Montana, you know all of her songs too (or Miley, depending on the day)!
  5. You get a daily critique of your outfit. Wait...why I am listening to the kid that wears the same (usually less than stylish) outfit every day? I am trying to convince myself she really does have fashion sense, she is just keeping it hidden. That may be a good thing...maybe she will keep it hidden until she is 22!
  6. She uses the words "chunky, chunky" to describe how you look and thinks it is a compliment (thanks Madagascar!).
On the positive side...
  1. Trista definitely inherited the clean/organized/compulsive nature that I have (as well as a few other family members, hehe!). She can clean the house beyond my expectations.
  2. I love how when she makes her bed and Tanner's bed that she neatly arranges every blanket, stuffed animal, etc. That is the compulsive part coming out, but I love it!!
  3. She is easily bribed...a dollar can easily get me a clean house (at least the upstairs). For $2 the whole house can be cleaned, including all of my shoes neatly organized. I LOVE this girl!
  4. She is great help in the kitchen. You have to allow a little extra time, but she loves to spend time with me even when it is things like cooking and cleaning and I wouldn't trade it for anything!
  5. She loves to sit and read books with me. I love the part of the day when it is time to read to the kids and calm them down before bed.
  6. She keeps her dad and brother in check! She helps Curt put away dishes (occassionally) and she knows where everything goes. She is a little mommy when I am not there.
  7. She is great at folding and putting away clothes and does it right!
So, looking at the positives most are about things she helps me with, but we spend a lot of time doing these things together! I knew that it would be so much easier once there was some help with all the daily household stuff and she is definitely a big help! But, don't feel bad for her...she loves to help out and is a busy-body like myself and would rather be doing something than just sitting around (though we do plenty of that too!)

Friday, November 5, 2010

What happens when you put a power ranger costume on...

You are instantly morphed into this kicking, punching, crazy thing! Glad Halloween is over so our
sweet Tanner is back!

Halloween Fun

We had a great Halloween, it seemed like it was more than just a day, and at least a week long event! I had Bunco (in costumes) Monday night, Trista had her school party on Thursday, Tanner and Trista had a party at Tanner's school Friday, and then of course Sunday was Halloween! Whew...what a week (and we even skipped a party Saturday night)!

Here are some pictures from our Halloween week. Trista was Jesse from Toy Story and Tanner was a white power ranger!

Halloween Bunco

Ready for the party at Marsh...

Go Jessie Go!

This is what happens when boys put on super hero costumes...

Our power ranger in his halloween program

Trista at Tanner's school (pink and white shirt, antennae on her head)

Trista made the caramel apples almost all by herself!

Trista is awesome help in the kitchen and around the house!

The finished project...YUMMY!

Good looking group ready for Trick or Treating!!

Craft project that we made at Marsh
Mary Poppins (aka Principal Steed)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

on my wish list...

DC28 Animal
i saw this beast of a vacuum on tv last night and now i am dreaming of it!! i already have the dyson animal upright vacuum and i LOVE it! a few weeks ago when there were extra dogs (long haired nonetheless) at our house i really got to see its true power! so, i can already envision cleaning my stairs, the couches, and my car with this nice handheld vacuum instead of the bigger beast i already have. guess this gives me motivation to work extra hard, maybe by my birthday i will have the dollars i need!! until then, i will be dreaming!