Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday Trista!

Trista turned 7 on July 2nd...Happy Birthday to our big girl! Trista decided that she wanted her party to be at the Hooper pool and she wanted us to camp there. So, we did and lots of family and friends joined us! We had a GREAT time! The kids both improved so much on their swimming since we swam both Saturday and Sunday. Trista can now go off of the diving board without a noodle and swim to the side underwater...she is thrilled and we are pretty proud! I don't have any pictures from the "Hooper party" but it was fun! Thanks to everyone that made it! We were at the cabin for her actual birthday and she enjoyed that as well. She had already taken cupcakes to Connie's and we took a cake to the cabin, so she has celebrated well!

7 things about Trista:
  1. She loves to sleep! Yesterday, she slept in until 9:45am! She always tells us "I'm growing, just let me sleep!"
  2. She is a very good eater. She will try any food out there and likes just about everything.
  3. She is a big helper. She is pretty good at helping me out around the house, even without being asked!
  4. She is tough! She has a "touch" of girly-girl in her but is a pretty aggressive competitor.
  5. She loves to read.
  6. She is VERY detailed oriented and remembers everything!
  7. She is a great daughter and sister!
WE LOVE YOU, TRISTA!! Dad, Mom, and Tanner

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