Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tanner Update

Tanner really loves his school...he goes to Wee Care 2 days per week  He will go to Marsh next year which we are very excited about, but for now, his little school is great for him! There are typically only 3-6 kids in his classroom and always 2 teachers so they are able to do lots of coloring, singing, exploring, eating, playing, napping, and so on. There is a link to the website at the bottom. There aren't too many pictures of Tanner in the beginning but towards the middle and end there are lots. It is so cute seeing him soaking in his surroundings, meeting new friends,being creative, and hearing his stories! His teacher told me today how she really looks forward to Mondays and Wednesdays because Tanner is there and "he always makes the day awesome!"
Man, we love this kid and so do the other people around him!
Here is the link:

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